FOG-INS is Fibre-Optic Gyroscope designed for chosen Inetrial Navigation System

FOG-INS is a project focused on developing the country’s first 3-axis Fiber-Optic Gyroscope (FOG) for short-period intermediate-class inertial navigation systems (INS) used in autonomous vehicles. While providing sensitivity of the order of 0.01 deg/Sqrt(h), environmental stability determined by drift of the order of 0.05 deg/h, measurement range of 0.01 deg/h to 100 deg/s with linearity of 50 ppm, the device will also meet the exorbitant requirements for size, weight, power supply, environmental resistance including temperature changes, vibration, overload. Achieving the above requirements is possible by implementing R&D work in three interrelated directions that are the domain of individual consortium members.

The project is implemented in the period 2024-2027 by the consortium Elproma Electronics – Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science Lodz University of TechnologyInstitute of Technical Physics Military University of Technology as project FELD.01.02.-IP.02-0019/24-00 – “FOG designed for selected INS”